Transfer to hotel Belmond das cataratas, this luxury hotel, one of the few in Brazil, is located inside the Iguaçu national Park, surrounded by the tropical forest and facing the famous falls. It'a real privilege to stay in this hotel. The rooms we reserved for you have a view of the falls and it's
spectacular. Afternoon at leisure to go by yourself visit the Brazilian side of the falls. Just get out of the hotel and take a short walk on a trail which will take you at the foot of the falls.
The Iguacu falls are considered among the most beautiful waterfalls in the world along with the Zambezi and Niagara falls. Located on the border between Paraguay, Argentina & Brazil, the falls form a natural amphitheatre that looks very different depending on where you are situated. The Brazilian side is less spectacular but easier to reach and there is a better view of the whole waterfall.
option Macuco Safari:
Excursion to the falls in a twin motor zodiac, the boats go up the river to the canyon where the falls are found...
The excursion starts off in open electric cars that drive 3kms through the national park, to allow better views of the local fauna & flora. Then a 600m walk in the forest to get to the boats (it’s possible to do the full distance in the open electric cars for those who don’t want to walk) Total time of excursion: 1h45, from getting in the cars.
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